2019-12-18 14:00  P7F

[Journal Club]Left-right symmetry and the origin of mass

Prof. Goran Senjanovic

  I discuss the origin of fermion masses, focusing on the fundamental importance of maximal parity violation in weak interaction for the success of the Higgs mechanism. I argue that the Standard Model would have never worked in the parity conserving world of vector-like fermions.
     On the other hand, left-right symmetry such as parity (or charge conjugation) played a fundamental role in predicted originally non-vanishing neutrino mass and the seesaw mechanism behind its smallness. I show how  the rise of parity leads to a unique self-contained and predictive theory of the Higgs origin of neutrino mass - analogous of the SM theory of charged fermion masses - that can be probed at hadron colliders, possibly even at the LHC. I discuss the deep connection between low energy processes such as neutrinoless double beta decay and lepton flavour violation, and the high energy physics of the collider production of same sign charged lepton pairs and jets.